Thursday, July 30, 2009


Aku dah dapat inform letter dah. Setelah bersusah payah naik turun Canselori. Tinggi baii~ Nak tercabut kaki panjat tangga. Huhu.. Takpetakpe. Lepas ni tak payah panjat dah. aku panjat tu pown sebab terpaksa. Nak kena p BPA nye pasal. BPA? Bahagian Perkhidmatan Akademik. Nak sattlekan pasal pertukaran course la ni. Orang tu yang buat aku ulang-alik. Bila aku datang pagi, dye suruh datang after lunch. Bila aku datang balik after lunch, dye suruh datang balik esok. Bila aku datang balik esoknya, dye suruh datang balik minggu depan. Bila dye kata dye akan call by lunch, tak call. Aku p la naik cari orang yang berkenaan. Bila aku naik, dye halau turun bawah n suruh aku tunggu je dye call. Tapi, tak call2 sampai sekarang. Menyirap. Lastlast, aku p la sana balik nak jumpa orang tu. Tapi, orang tu tak keluar. Entah npe. So, aku kena deal dengan orang yang jaga kaunter. Leceh. Cerewet. At last, dapat gak inform letter yang aku punya la tunggu...

Kena gak tukar sem depan. Tak dapat la sem ni. Coz orang yang handle tu buat kerja sambil lewa. Prof call aku. Dye kata, "patutnya aku dari minggu pertama lagi dah masuk kelas Sains Marin. Tapi entah npe jadi camni. Maybe orang BPA tu yang tak buat kerja. Dye amek borang kamu, then simpan je." Emmm.. Agak sedih coz kena extend satu sem. Lambat la grad camni. Tapi, takpe la. At least dapat tukar. So, start next sem, aku akan join Marine Science students. Just.. yang untuk sem satu, aku akan amek later. Dengan Jr..

Yang extend tu.. just kena amek subjek Sains Bumi dan Planet, Oceanografi Fizikal n Oceanografi Biologi. Tu je kowt. Yang subjek lain, aku amek sem ni. Kalau boleh selitselit, aku selitselit la. so, tak payah la extend. Tapi, heavy la sem tu. Emmm.. Nantinanti lah aku pk cane.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kenapa, kenapa?

Confuse!! Tak taw kenapa. Mimpi about the same thing. TWICE! Bukan horror dream. Fantacy tu... Tak taw nak kata. Coz.. Mimpi aku cani.

Aku mimpi, kena hug dari belakang. Sambil tu, dapat kiss kat pipi. Then.. Kena dukung!
(aku terkedu n pelik walaupun dalam mimpi)

Hi5 Emoticon

Kali kedua pown orang yang sama. Just kali ni, dye kiss pipi jew.
(mimpi tak sempat habis kowt)

Tapi yang peliknya, kenapa orang yang sama muncul? And.. Kenapa kau? Kenapa?!! Aku tak paham.

orang yang berkenaan tu taw la aku mimpi dye n mimpi aku cani..

Friday, July 24, 2009

Carbon Footsteps

How to calculate the pollutions that we've made?

1) Fossil Fuel Powered Vehicle

Inputs are for number of kilometers driven and fuel efficiency of vehicle driven. Total number of kilometers driven per month is divided by kilometers per litre to determine the total number of litres of fuel that are used each month.

Quantity is then converted to gallons (1 liter = 0.02642 gallons) if it was in liters. Number of gallons of fuel is then multiplied by 8.87 to get kilograms of carbon dioxide.

total km
______ X 0.2642 X 8.87

2) Airplane

The number of miles traveled is multiplied by 1.61 to get kilometers traveled, which is then multiplied by 0.18 kilograms of carbon dioxide per kilometers to get total kilograms of carbon dioxide.

miles traveled X 0.18

Calculate yourself. Then you'll know how much you pollute our mother nature.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Daku angau. Angau dengan ada sorang mamat nieyh. Hehe.. Bukan apa. Tapi, dye tu SWEET owh. Senyuman dye, cara dye cakap.. He is a polite guy. Cair beb! Walaupun takde la hensem mana. Tapi, tak kisah lah.

Friday, July 17, 2009


aku dah banyak kali try post.

tak dapatdapat.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bayangkan.. Bukan realiti, tapi...

Hi5 Emoticon
Kalau sebut je Miss World ke, Miss Universe ke..

Sure korang bayangkan yang cantikcantik, seksiseksi kan?

Hi5 Emoticon
Mata yang
rabun pown ley jadi terang.

Negara mana yang nak anta yang hodohhodoh kan?

Macam pelik jew..
Semua akan hantar the best among them.
Hi5 Emoticon
Sape yang tengok,
ley jatuh cinta pandang pertama.
Bila jalan kat runway,
mana ada yang nak tunjuk perangai hodoh.

Hi5 Emoticon
Semua controlcontrol, covercover.

Macammacam baju diorang pakai.

Semua seksiseksi.

Bikini pown termasuk dalam senarai.
Hi5 Emoticon
Time diorang jalan tuh,
controlcontrol, covercover.

Konon dye la yang paling cantik, paling hot.
Hi5 Emoticon
Muka punya la
Badan punya la
Tapi kan,
korang dapat bayangkan tak

bila diorang lambai tuh,
Hi5 Emoticon
Jatuh standard.

Tak guna la muka cantik mana,
badan seksi mana.

Hi5 Emoticon
Geli kott!!
Hi5 Emoticon
Sure orang mengata.

Yang ada bf tu,
kalau kena reject,
Hi5 Emoticon
Tu je yang aku ley kata.
Tu je yang terdaya.
Sape suruh tak reti jaga diri?
Sape suruh tak reti jaga your personal hygine?
Ntah sape la yang nak dengan orang yang macam ni.
Hi5 Emoticon
I wonder...
As for me,
aku sendiri

*The moral of the story is, jaga la pe yang patut korang jaga. Buat la pe yang patut. Takkan semua nak kena ajar kowt?!

(Aku tulis ni bukan nak jatuhkan maruah sesape. Just luahan perasaan. Kalau aku tengok pown dah geli, lagi la guys. Takkan nak biar jadi hutan kowt? Geli taw tak? Geli!! Kalau guys tu, laen la cite..)
Hi5 Emoticon

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Scuba Diving

Scuba Diving is now become famous in Malaysia. It is enjoyed by both young and old. Most dive shop and dive center only focus on adults. They do not cater for children. This is why children did not have the opportunity to discover the underwater world. But, now, there is some dive shop that has kids club. Children ages 8-12 years old are welcome to join us. They will get their certificate and license under Scuba School International (SSI), called Scuba Rangers. For those who did not know, you need a license to go diving. Those who are interested, register yourself at any dive shop or dive center near you today!

Divers, note this! The safest entry is the giant strike, not back roll. Do you know why? If we do the giant strike, all our equipments, including tank and weight, will parallel to our body. Back roll? The tank will be underneath us, as well as our weight (if we are wearing weight belt). The tank will push us upward whereas our body push ourselves downward. The weights are in the middle. So, it will be push upward as the tank pushes us upward. Thus, our backbone may have injuries, or it may break. If you still wanted to do back roll, don’t put too much air in your BCD, to avoid it push yourself upward as we reach the water. It is better if you sink than your backbone broke. If you sink, you still have regulator in your mouth right? Fully inflate when you have reached the water, not before that.

To descend, you just need to press the inflator hose. Not inflate, but deflate. When you are descending, never forget to equalize. This helps to equalize the pressure inside and outside of our body. As you are near enough to the corals or sandy bottom, inflate a little bit. This will help you to keeps your buoyancy. Control your buoyancy and also your depth. Keep focus on your dive computer as it shows your depth and your dive time. Sometimes, divers didn’t realize they have been pulled downwards. This happens. If you are in this case, while you are diving, especially when you are doing wall dive, it may cause fatal. This is because, you will not realize it. The water pulls you downward slowly. When you realize, maybe you cannot save yourself at that time. It is too late. So, do not take it for granted. Another thing is, don’t be a clumsy diver. Relax, and enjoy your dive.

When the pressure of your air reaches 50 bars, it is time for you to end your dive. This is because, 50 bar is just enough to do the safety stop, and end your dive. Each diver has to do safety stop at five meters, for at least three minutes. There’s no problem if you did it a little longer. Do not inflate while you are doing safety stop. This may cause your lungs to expand rapidly as the water pushes you upwards when you are at depth of five meters and below. Watch out for boats. Kicked to the surface, and fully inflate your BCD as you reached the surface. If your boat is far away, use your sausage to take the boatman’s attention.

Lastly, wash all your equipments with fresh water, and dry it under the shady place. Now, it is the time to fill your dive log. Fill in all the particulars that are needed in your dive log. For example: time, air pressure, depth, etc. If you want to write the summary of your dive, you are free to do so.

Enjoy your trip and have a nice day!


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hutan VS Air

Orientation week. Siapa la yang tak bosan. Dok taklimat memanjang. Tapi, ada satu hari tu, Program Bersama Sekolah. Aku? Sekolah Sains dan Teknologi (SST). Sekolah yang paling ramai students. Maklum la.. Banyak course kat sekolah tu. Semua sekali ada tiga belas sekolah kalau tak silap. Malas la nak gtaw semua. Banyak sangat. Nak di pendekkan cerita, aku dapat la tawaran masuk Biologi Pemuliharaan, under SST. Mulamula tu takde la rasa apaapa sangat. Coz ingatkan Biologi Pemuliharaan tu merangkumi laut and darat. Time Program Bersama Sekolah tu, dapat la senarai subjeksubjek yang kte kena amek. Tiaptiap semester nye subjek ada kat kertas tu. Bila aku belek, aku rasa tak confident. Betulbetul tak confident. Bayangkan la, aku nak focus on marine ife, tapi course tu keluar masuk hutan, bukan keluar masuk air.

Bila dah habis taklimat pasal course tu, ada la sesi bersama mentor. Mentor aku lak takde time tuh. Ada la lecturer laen ganti. Aku tanya la lecturer tu, course ni takkan la just focus on land je. Airair takde kew? Then, dye cakap, ‘ Ha’ah. Kalau ada pown, just air tawar, tapi jarang la buat. Mostly darat jew’. Hampirhampir menangis, tapi try tahan. Taknak la tunjuk sangat yang aku tak suka. Tapi.. Detected. Lecturer tu tanya aku, ‘kamu ok kew coz muka muram laen macam. Kamu memang tak suka course ni kew?’ aku pe lagi, jawab je la tak. Then dye kata, ‘kamu try je. Suka tak suka, habiskan je samppai graduate. Kalau dah grad, still tak minat gak, ley amek 2nd degree. Tak pown, ley ulang balik degree tu’. Memang la UMS ni U yang aku dambakan sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu, tapi, siapa yang akan bazirkan masa depan dye kalau dye dah taw apa yang dye nak kan? Kalau ulang balik degree, tak semestinya kita dapat apa yang kita nak gak kan? It is still the same. Kalau jadi macam tu, takkan nak ulang balik again and again? As for me, aku dah lama dah aim nak jadi marine biologist. Sekarang, aku tengah berjuang to achieve my ambition. I’m not changing it. That’s final.

Aku dah amek borang untuk tukar course daripada Biologi Pemuliharaan to Sains Marin. Walaupun staff kat office tu kata susah nak tukar course ni, aku still akan berjuang untuk dapatkan apa yang aku nak. Staff tu kata, ‘jarang students yang dapat tukar course ni. Lagi pown, banyak procedure’. Apa aku peduli? Aku amek gak borang tu, isi, and hantar terus kat pejabat Dekan. Even though staff yang kerja kat bahagian HEP kata, hantar kat HEP, tingkat atas. Aku rela lagi berhubung terus dengan Dekan daripada guna orang tengah. Tapi, tak dapat jumpa Dekan gak. Terpaksa la hantar kat PA dye jew. Tak taw la pe result dye. Still waiting. Kalau tak dapat tukar, ingat nak quit jew. Focus on instructor. Tapi, kalau dapat, lagi bagus. Ley la jadi instructor yang berilmu, taw selok belok marine life nieyh.


Why do people are so hypocrite? Do we need to be so? It’s like ‘talam dua muka’. Depan orang yang certain orang, punya la baik. Belakang.. Hanya Allah saja yang tau. Tak pown, depan certain orang cakap camni. Then, depan orang laen cakap benda laen. Bercanggah. Siot gler orangorang macam ni. Tak kisah sangat la kalau dye sorang je buat camtu, tak libatkan orang laen. Ni, nak orang laen camtu gak. Pe kes?! This is my life, and I have the right to decide what I wanna do and what I’m not. Tak payah la paksapaksa, gertakgertak. Pe hak kau? Aku takde lak kacau kau, or orang laen. Kalau memang aku yang buat hidup kau jadi kelamkabut or rosakkan hidup kau, tu laen cite. Cane nak orang laen respect kalau kte nak orang laen ikut cara kita and tak bagi peluang orang laen bersuara? Aku memang takkan respect orang camni. Dye ingat dye siapa? Weyh, baek lagi aku kawan or dekatkan diri dengan orang yang skema daripada orang yang macam kau. Species apa kau ni ha?

TENAGA LEMAH? What do you mean by that?

Soalan ni, kalau dibuat survey, mau gak dapat bermacammacam jawapan. But, for this case, I’m not going to find out the meaning. Just nak cite sket. Time p China aritu, specifically Shenzhen. Specific lagi.. xtaw. Tak dengar sangat lorr tour guide tu cakap. Dye banyak sangat cakap, sampai malas nak dengar. Non-stop. Tapi, kalau tak dengar, banyak la benda yang tak taw. Coz dye gtaw, area ni famous untuk aktiviti apa. Industry kew, pe kew.. Pape hal, camni. Ada la one day nie, dye bawa p satu area nie. Gov nye area. Gov diorang ada buat macam pameran la. Yang 1st tu tempat jade. Orang kat sana gtaw la ada macammacam warna, bukan hijau je. Dye ada ajar gak cane nak taw jade tu berkualiti tak. Malas lah cite pasal tu. Tak minat jadejade nieyh.

After that, tour guide tu bawak p another gov place. Kali ni p tempat herbal medicine lak. Herbal medicine is a Chinese traditional medicine. There, they offer service to check the health of their visitors. Nak taw pe dye cakap bila dye cek aku? Tenaga aku lemah. Susah sikit kalau mudamuda lagi, tenaga lemah. Lagilagi time nak beranak nanti. And lagi satu, O2 dalam badan aku kurang. Scientifically, dalam darah. Kalau time belajar tu, lambat sket catch up. IQ lemah la kiranya. Then, prof yang cek aku tu recommend their herbal medicine. RBM600 per bottle. One bottle, one month. Kena makan at least enam bulan berturutturut. Hoho! Jangan harap la aku nak makan ubatubat tuh.

Balikbalik rumah, cerita la kat abah. Abah kata, guna pure O2 yang abah nye tu. Actually, yang tu untuk rescue orang decompression sickness (DCS) or narcosis kalau tak silap. Hehe..


Guys? Teddy bear? Speechless. But, guess what? I got a teddy bear, made of paper. Handmade by Mohd Izzuddin Mohd Noor. Thanks a lot! Happy gler time tuh. Orang kat rumah taw la cane. Tayang kat sume orang. Hehe.. Mana tak nya. Teddy kertas bai~ Siap ley pusingpusing kaki, tangan, kepala. Tak pernah dapat lagi yang camtu. Lagi pown, mau ke guys buat benda yang lecehleceh? Bayangkan la lepas print, kena potong, and gam. Nak potong tu satu hal. Kena detail gler coz yang kena potong tu halushalus. Nak gam tu lagi satu hal. Bila nak gam benda halushalus, kena detail gak. Kang tak jagi. Senget sini la, sana la.. nak potong n gam tu, ley juling mata. Kecik sangat bendabenda tuh. Amek masa lak tu nak buat. Sangatsangat leceh. Aku dah pernah buat sekali tuh. Cukup la sekali. Menyeksakan mata. Dye kata, mama dye ada tolong gak buat teddy tuh. C= Thanks..

(Sorry tak dapat bawak p Sabah. Takut rosak)